The Meliza Bloggy

A fair amount of words about a whole lot of nothing.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Things I Learned From Remodeling a Pantry

I remodeled our pantry and learned some things.

I'm a first time home buyer. I've lived in a house before, but it was brand spanking new and my mum did not have to do much to it. This house is old and smells like it too. The pantry was no exception. I found it unsanitary to put food in the joint, so I decided that I would take on the task of remodeling it. Can't be that hard right? A couple of new shelves, fresh paint, etc. Besides, it would be good practice for the rest of the house. It was definitely not as easy as I thought it would be. Here some things I learned a long the way:

- When scraping bugs and general 60 year old shit off the wall, do wear a mask. Additionally, flip flops are not a good idea either.

- Paint will get in your hair. Check a mirror before leaving the house.

- A little spackle and 2 coats of paint will fix a lot of things.

- A little spackle and 2 coats of paint will not fix a lot of things.

- Do not breathe in spackle dust.

- If the paint is labeled "Bluer than blue" expect fucking blue ass walls.

- Don't worry about getting everything at the Home Depot/Lowes all at once. You'll be back later.

- If something is not going as you planned, sleep on it.

- Leave the crown molding to the professionals.

- It is NOT safe to assume that your wall is the same width at the bottom as it is at the top, or even the middle for that matter. It is possible that your pantry is a little tubby in the middle.

- Get a man hammer. Do not use a girl hammer.

- An iPhone does not make a good leveler. Also, if you must use it as a leveler, when working on the top shelf, secure your iPhone.

That's it. On to the next room of the house!.